
Interactive Graphic for the Research Programme Bioeconomy Baden-Württemberg

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To mark the conclusion of the Research Programme Bioeconomy Baden-Württemberg, we have developed the interactive info graphic BioGraphie BW. The graphic offers different approaches to the exciting questions of the bioeconomy and lets researchers of the research program themselves have their say.

Bioeconomy research must be thought of holistically and conducted in collaboration with different disciplines. The aim of the Research Programme Bioeconomy Baden-Württemberg was therefore to take a holistic view of bioeconomy research. Funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts, scientists from Baden-Württemberg spent around seven years researching bioeconomic raw materials, processes, products, their interaction and their effects.

Our look-and-find picture illustrates the complexity of a sustainable bioeconomy while at the same time attempting to shed light on the individual sub-areas of bioeconomy research. We explain in pictures, text and film why a sustainable bioeconomy makes sense, what we already know about it, what questions the researchers in Baden-Württemberg have been able to answer and how research might continue.